What are the different types of VOC’s?
Natural VOC’s:
They are naturally a part of life on earth and have always been here. The gaseous emissions, where these natural VOC’s arise from vegetation, by deciduous trees ( isoprene’s) and conifer (terpene’s) or emanating from the degradation of organic matter by bacteria, (for example in swamps but also in the stomachs of animals!). The biodegradation produces in particular methane and carbon dioxide.
There are still other origins of VOC’s such as your own expiration (carbon dioxide) or a flowers perfume. Our planet has always adapted well to these natural VOC’s.
Human-made or Anthropogenic V.O.C.
They are caused directly or indirectly as a result of human activity. Every process which involves the manipulation and the production of hydrocarbons emit’s VOC’s. For example oil refining, solvent release, painting and industrial combustion are some of the many anthropogenic processes that produce VOC’s
Simply put, natural VOC’s are critical to a balanced natural healthy environment. Without them the World as we know it would not exist.
Natural VOC’s enable us to smell the flowers and enjoy the aroma of a good coffee!
Anthropogenic VOC’s are in the paint on the walls, in the Sofa, carpet and the exhaust fumes in the Garage, these are the VOC’s concern to our Health.
- Keep exposure to emissions from products containing methylene chloride to a minimum.
- Keep exposure to benzene to a minimum.
- Keep exposure to perchloroethylene emissions from newly dry-cleaned materials to a minimum.
- Keep exposure to formaldehyde to a minimum.